兴辉瓷砖以19°般莹润的视觉温度 温柔界定静奢风舒适标准 这不仅仅是一种色彩选择 更是对居住空间细腻考量 让归家成为心灵抚慰之旅 在微暖色调的配色体系中 19°肤感微光理石系列 通过精细工艺与人性化设计 即保留天然石材冷峻典雅美感 又散发出高阶宁静视觉温度 在体验上带来舒适轻奢居家体验 SANFI兴辉瓷砖 19°肤感微光理石系列 砖面微光效果介于哑光与柔光之间 19°肤感微光理石系列图 Highlights 新品亮点 1 19°石材光 5倍时长精细慢抛,雕琢出19°般微妙石光,数码精雕与高清印花,1:1复刻大自然的岩石肌理。 2 肤感绸面 触感如天然石材般沉稳温润,丝滑细腻犹如绸缎,亲肤不涩手,瓷砖工艺新境界的润泽体验。 3 融岩晶痕 复刻石材内差异固体的融合结晶线,还原纹理流动的微痕细节与沉淀,在光影的变化之中呈现出原石超感。 4 3倍防污易洁 防滑颗粒+防污釉面+防污蜡层,三重防护体系,拒污防滑,让清洁变得轻松无忧。 Victoria Brown 900X1800mm 维多利亚棕 维多利亚棕拥有原石般的厚重感,仿佛是大自然历经千万年沉淀的杰作,其深邃的纹理中蕴藏着时间的痕迹与故事,为空间增添一抹不朽的经典韵味。 Victoria Brown has a thick feeling like an original stone. It seems to be a masterpiece of nature after thousands of years of precipitation. Its deep texture contains traces of time and stories, adding an immortal classic charm to the space. 温馨提醒: 维多利亚棕瓷砖采用定位连纹设计,即在铺设时需预先规划每块砖的位置与方向,以确保其纹理能够连贯、无缝对接。 Giverny Warm Grey 900X1800mm 750X1500mm 吉维尼米灰 吉维尼米灰那松弛感的名石品相,既不失高雅又带着一抹不经意的随性,它在空间中静静铺展,营造出一种轻松愉悦、自在不羁的氛围。 Givinimi Grey's relaxed and famous stone appearance is elegant and casual. It spreads quietly in the space, creating a relaxed, joyful and uninhibited atmosphere. Luxury Bulgari 900X1800mm 顶级宝格丽 顶级宝格丽的光感如羊脂玉般轻柔,温润而细腻,每当光线轻轻掠过,便能折射出柔和而迷人的光泽,仿佛是大自然中最纯净的馈赠,为家居空间披上一层梦幻般的光辉。 The light sense of top-level Bulgari is as soft as lanolin jade, warm and delicate. Every time the light passes gently, it can reflect a soft and charming luster, as if it is the purest gift in nature, putting a layer of dreamlike brilliance on the home space. Brazil Super White 750X1500mm 巴西鱼肚灰 巴西鱼肚灰折射出的19°光感体验,其独特的色彩与光泽在光与影的交错中变幻莫测,与摩登感风格家具相得益彰,共同打造出一个既时尚又不失温馨雅致的居住空间。 The 19 ° light perception experience reflected by Brazilian fish maw gray, whose unique color and luster are unpredictable in the Interlace of light and shadow, complements modern style furniture, and jointly creates a fashionable yet warm and elegant living space. Rome Grey 750X1500mm 古罗马灰 古罗马灰的19°石材光柔和而恰到好处,它既有着历史的厚重感,又不失现代的简约之美,恰到好处的光泽度,既不会过于张扬,也不会显得沉闷,为空间带来一种低调而奢华的质感。 The 19 ° stone of ancient Roman grey has a soft and just right light. It has both a heavy sense of history and the beauty of modern simplicity. The just right gloss will neither be too publicity nor dull, bringing a low-key and luxurious texture to the space. Rome Dark Grey 750X1500mm 古罗马深灰 古罗马深灰将原石光的沉稳与冷静统一收纳,其深邃的灰色调中透露出一种内敛而强大的气场,为家居空间增添一份稳重与大气,让人在繁忙的生活中找到一片宁静的港湾。 The ancient Roman dark gray unifies the calm and calm of the original shimmering. Its deep gray tone reveals an introverted and powerful aura, adding a sense of stability and atmosphere to the home space, allowing people to find a quiet harbor in a busy life. Italy Bardiglio Brown 750X1500mm 意大利云石棕 意大利云石棕色彩让人倍感温馨与舒适。浅棕色的基调与细腻纹理,属于质朴色系,洋溢着欧洲美学史中恬静的气息。 Italian marble brown color makes people feel warm and comfortable. The light brown tone and fine texture belong to the simple color system and are permeated with the tranquil atmosphere in the history of European aesthetics. 关 注 更 多 @ 兴 辉 瓷 砖