Bathroom | ELIZABETH高颜值卫生间设计搭配,快来瞧瞧吧~
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卫生间,承担着日常的洗漱功能之外,还体现了屋主的生活品味。随着人们审美标准的提升,当下卫生间的设计更具有个性特色。With the improvement of people's aesthetic standards, the current bathroom design has more individual characteristics.伊莉莎白瓷质艺术墙砖,是针对厨卫等小空间墙体研发的产品体系,一方面,瓷质底坯的工艺优势,保证墙砖达到双零吸水率,避免卫生间因水气重导致瓷砖容易脱落的现象;另一方面,伊莉莎白瓷质艺术墙砖,花色个性独特,色彩丰富多样,主砖和花砖配套搭配,装饰性很强。Elizabeth porcelain art wall tiles are a product system developed for the walls of small spaces such as kitchens and bathrooms. On the one hand, the technological advantages of porcelain base blanks ensure that the wall tiles achieve double zero water absorption and avoid heavy moisture in the bathroom. Causes the phenomenon that the tiles are easy to fall off; on the other hand, the Elizabethan porcelain art wall tiles are unique in design and color, and the colors are rich and varied. The main tiles and tiles are matched with each other and are very decorative.今天,小白简单整理了部分现有的卫生间设计效果图,从色彩上进行了分类,分为“灰白简洁款”和“个性多彩款”两种,瞧瞧能不能为即将装修新家的你一些设计灵感~Today, Xiaobai simply sorted out the existing partial bathroom design renderings, which are divided into "gray and simple style" and "individual colorful style" in color.“土耳其砂岩”同一系列两款不同灰度的墙砖,清晰地划分着卫生间不同的功能区,营造强烈的空间层次感。"Turkish Sandstone" two wall tiles with different gray levels in the same series clearly divide the different functional areas of the bathroom, creating a strong sense of spatial hierarchy.讲求简约与舒适并重的现代卫生间,彩色花砖的点缀,让空间不乏单调,反而多了一份艺术气息。A modern bathroom that emphasizes both simplicity and comfort, and the embellishment of colorful tiles, makes the space not lacking in monotony, but adds a sense of art.当低调惬意的“卡塔尔”灰与浪漫热情的酒红碰撞,冷与暖的强烈对比,塑造一个个性时尚的卫浴间。薄款碎片花砖点缀,美化了墙面。When the low-key and cozy "Qatar" gray collides with the romantic and passionate wine red, the strong contrast between cold and warm creates a stylish bathroom with a personality. The thin fragments and tiles are embellished to beautify the wall.白色系“星白”搭配其中,不但不会喧宾夺主,反而让空间显得更加清爽利落。The combination of white "star white" not only won't overwhelm the guests, but also makes the space more refreshing and neat.干净,整洁,舒适的“云灰石”卫生间,小清新绿植图案花砖局部装饰,呼吸之间都是大自然清新的气息。The clean, tidy and comfortable "marble stone" bathroom is decorated with small fresh green plant patterns and tiles, and the breath is full of fresh breath of nature.素雅的灰色调,流畅的条纹肌理,营造轻松舒适的洗浴环境。独特的植物图案花砖局部点缀,给予卫生间墙面别致的一面。The elegant gray tone and smooth striped texture create a relaxing and comfortable bathing environment. The unique plant-patterned tiles are partially embellished, giving the bathroom wall a unique side.高级灰+星空蓝,尽显高雅从容,黄铜色镶边的落地灯和沙发凳,轻松营造精致时尚的空间氛围。High-grade gray + star blue, full of elegance and calmness, floor lamps and sofa stools bordered by brass, easily create a refined and fashionable space atmosphere.“卡里姆灰”卫生间,弥漫着时尚气息,碎片花砖划分功能区,以一股沉稳安静的力量,让人感受到家的治愈与放松。The "Karim Grey" bathroom is full of fashion, and the fragments and tiles divide the functional areas, with a calm and quiet power, people feel the healing and relaxation of home.3片不同图案的花砖任意无限拼接,打造一幅缤纷美丽的艺术背景墙,打破灰空间的单调冷清,个性惊艳。Three tiles of different patterns are arbitrarily and infinitely spliced to create a colorful and beautiful artistic background wall, breaking the monotony and desertedness of the gray space, and stunning individuality.高质感的生活,源于对细节的极致追求。
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