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瓷砖是以粘土为主要原料,经过配料,成型,干燥,焙烧等工序制作而成的陶瓷制品中的一个品类,被广泛应用于建筑的装饰。Ceramic tiles are a category of ceramic products made from clay as the main raw material through batching, molding, drying, and baking.瓷砖有非常多与其质量好坏相关的参数,这些专业的产品质量检测领域的知识,对于瓷砖选购也有非常大的帮助。The parameters related to the quality of the tiles are also very helpful for the purchase of tiles.今天小白给大家分享几个瓷砖质量参数,通过质量参数值和测试小视频,了解伊莉莎白瓷砖的真实力。Xiaobai will share with you a few quality parameter values and small test videos to understand the true power of Elizabeth tiles.瓷砖的吸水率是指产品的开口气孔吸满水后,吸入水的重量占产品重量的百分比。The water absorption rate of a ceramic tile refers to the percentage of the weight of the product that is absorbed by the opening pores of the product.Importance of water absorption
吸水率是一切瓷砖品质的基础,吸水率越低,其他性能如强度、致密度等会越好,它能直接影响产品的耐脏程度。吸水率低的瓷砖,不因气候变化热胀冷缩而产生龟裂或剥落。(关于吸水率国家的标准是:内墙砖10-20%,地砖≦0.5%,瓷片≦0.5%。)The water absorption rate can directly affect the dirt resistance of the product. Low water absorption, no cracking or peeling due to thermal expansion and contraction due to climate change.Reasons for the existence of water absorption
瓷砖在烧制过程中,坯体的原材料会产生气体,大部分气体会排出坯体,但也有部分气体会以大小形状不同的气泡形式残留在坯体中,气孔存在的方式有开口和闭口两种,开口部分就有吸附水分的能力。During firing, the raw materials will generate gas and partially exhaust. Some gas will remain in the body in the form of bubbles. There are two types of pores: open and closed, and the open part has the ability to absorb moisture.ELZIABETH CERAMICS water absorption test
A comparison test between a certain brand of ceramic tiles and Elizabethan all-ceramic wall tiles was carried out. Ink was dripped on the base blanks of two ceramic tiles. The stains cannot be removed by washing with water; in contrast, the Elizabethan all-ceramic wall tiles, the ink is still in the state of just being dripped on the bricks. After rinsing with water, the stains can be easily washed away.
得益于自身的技术优势,伊莉莎白瓷砖一直坚持做全瓷化产品,全品类瓷砖产品均采用瓷质底坯,吸水率可低至0.022%,双零吸水率,低吸水,零渗透。Benefiting from its own technical advantages, Elizabeth Ceramics has always insisted on making all-ceramic products. All types of ceramic tile products are made of porcelain substrates, and the water absorption rate can be as low as 0.022%, double zero water absorption, low water absorption, and zero penetration. .What is abrasion resistance
耐磨性是指瓷砖用在一定的作用力、一定的磨料和一定的转数下砖面磨花的程度。Abrasion resistance refers to the degree to which the tiles are polished under the force and abrasives.Importance of wear resistance
耐磨性好的瓷砖抗重压,不易磨损,历久弥新。而耐磨性差的瓷砖若产生刮痕,砖面弄脏将无法清洗干净。Ceramic tiles with good abrasion resistance will last forever. Poor abrasion resistance cannot be cleaned.Where do professional wear resistance parameters come from
瓷砖的耐磨性测试在转盘的磨擦下,按转数分0-5六个耐磨等级。一般家庭装饰用砖在2度至4度耐磨区间内。The abrasion resistance test has six levels of abrasion resistance ranging from low to high scores of 0~5. Our home decoration bricks are generally in the range of 2 to 4 degrees abrasion resistance.Elizabeth tile abrasion resistance test
Place a piece of Elizabethan marble tile flat on the countertop, first use a steel brush to scrape the surface of the tile back and forth. After a few minutes, it is found that the tile surface is still intact; upgrade the electric steel brush, the surface of the tile is still smooth after high-speed brushing As new, without any scratches.伊莉莎白大理石瓷砖,采用大理石釉工艺配方形成的坚硬砖面,耐磨度与莫氏硬度均达到4级,高硬度更耐磨。产品可以做到十年如一,持久弥新。Elizabeth marble tiles are hard tile surfaces formed by using marble glaze technology, with Mohs hardness reaching level 4, high hardness and more wear-resistant. The product can be the same for ten years and lasting.Flatness & Straight angle
瓷砖的平整度是整块瓷砖中心弯曲度和翘曲度的总称,代表了该瓷砖产品表面的水平程度。The flatness of a tile is the general term for the center curvature and warpage of the entire tile.表面越平整,铺贴效果就越好,平整度不够的瓷砖会在地上有鼓起部分,容易绊脚。当瓷砖表面的平整程度良好,正确的铺贴就不会有拱起或凹下去的现象出现;平整度好的瓷砖,表面不弯曲,不翘角,容易施工,施工后地面平坦。Tiles with good flatness, the surface does not bend, does not warp corners, easy to construct, and the ground is flat after construction.Where do professional flatness parameters come from
平整度主要分为中心弯曲度和翘曲度两个方面:中心弯曲度是指当陶瓷砖四个角中的三个角在一个平面上时,其中心点偏离此平面的距离。翘曲度是指当陶瓷砖的三个角在一个平面上时,其第四个角偏离此平面的距离。(关于平整度的国家标准是误差在±0.5%之内即为合格产品。)The national standard for flatness is that the error is within ±0.5%, which is a qualified product瓷砖的直角度是指产品四个边角与标准90度直角相比的变形程度。The right angle refers to the degree of deformation of the four corners of the product compared to the standard 90 degree right angle.The importance of right angles
瓷砖的直角度将直接影响瓷砖的铺贴效果,直角度好的瓷砖铺贴时会更加方便、美观,直角度不好的瓷砖铺贴完会出现砖片参差不齐、砖缝大小不一等问题。The straight angle of the tiles will directly affect the paving effect of the tilesWhere does the professional right angle parameter come from
陶瓷砖角与标准直角相比的变形程度用%表示,其计算公式如下:γ=δ/L×100%。其中γ是指(瓷砖的直角度);δ是指(瓷砖在距砖边5mm处测量时表的读数);L是指(瓷砖边长-10mm)。(关于平整度的国家标准是在89.5度和90.5度之间为合格产品,即误差小于0.5%。)The calculation formula is as follows: γ=δ/L×100%. Among them, γ refers to (the straight angle of the tile); δ refers to (the reading of the meter when the tile is measured at a distance of 5mm from the edge of the brick); L refers to (the side length of the tile is -10mm).Elizabeth tiles flatness, right angle test