



河有万湾多碧水 田无一垛不黄花


历史文化名城,江苏——兴化,当地最大、品类最齐全的江浙商贸城揭幕全新ELIZABETH,共占地 400多平方米高档临街零售空间,白色大理石瓷砖门面气派不凡,迎接客人进店,倾情呈献众多畅销国内外的时尚精品瓷砖。

Historical and Cultural City, Jiangsu-Xinghua, the largest and most complete commercial and trade city in Jiangsu and Zhejiang Province, opened the brand-new ELIZABETH, covering more than 400 square meters of high-end street-facing retail space, and the white marble tile facade was extraordinary, welcoming guests into the store. Show a large number of best-selling domestic and foreign fashion boutique ceramic tiles.



In 2019, Elizabeth launched a number of stylish boutiques designed for living rooms, kitchens and bathrooms. Xinghua International Hall combines Morandi color with bright white and a little black.



The bathroom space is carefully selected for ornaments such as chic picture frames and special-shaped brown vases. The combination of finely drawn gold lanterns, ball chandeliers and marble tile details makes the overall shape elegant and perfect. These give space customization style, for customers in a wide range of product choices to give better guidance, achieve twice the results with half the effort.











A "the second generation of pottery" of pursuit.

Dong, the head of the International Pavilion, is young and young, with more than two years in line, with the creativity of the young people, the investment and the audacity. His father was a ceramic man who fought for the rest of his life in the building material industry. In the eyes of his parents' ears, Dong always put on new, added different styles, and absorbed the precious experience of the parents, the deep-tillage channel, the heavy gold in the bus advertisement, the cinema advertisement, Use the power of the brand to influence the way of life of more people, and to develop a more young generation market.







