“工程案例” 4000平方国际会所情定罗曼缔克瓷砖拉菲等系列

“工程案例” 4000平方国际会所情定罗曼缔克瓷砖拉菲等系列

“快入冬了,最好不要养起了膘”,温泉和提供水疗的SPA,除了让你保持Fit Fit的身材,还是注重身心的健康和放松的最佳方式,张家港柏盛国际水疗会即将开业,小曼邀你一起组团去打卡。

"It's almost winter, it's better not to get fat." besides keeping Fit, the hot spring and SPA offer SPA is also the best way to pay attention to physical and mental health and relaxation. As the Baisheng international SPA in Zhangjiagang is about to open, Romantic invites you to join a group to punch the card.

“工程案例” 4000平方国际会所情定罗曼缔克瓷砖拉菲等系列


Come in from the gate, can not help for this open wide and decorate reasonable more than 4000 square space of vogue, recreational, originality place heartthrob. Here, a large number of simple and fresh style products are adopted: the Belgian black series RD8006A that ignites trends and creative avant-garde ideas, the Venetian rock series RFG126P612 with floating glaze color, the elegant and elegant Lafite series M126P932A, and the delicate and fashionable grey series RD9908B.

“工程案例” 4000平方国际会所情定罗曼缔克瓷砖拉菲等系列
“工程案例” 4000平方国际会所情定罗曼缔克瓷砖拉菲等系列
“工程案例” 4000平方国际会所情定罗曼缔克瓷砖拉菲等系列
“工程案例” 4000平方国际会所情定罗曼缔克瓷砖拉菲等系列
“工程案例” 4000平方国际会所情定罗曼缔克瓷砖拉菲等系列
“工程案例” 4000平方国际会所情定罗曼缔克瓷砖拉菲等系列
“工程案例” 4000平方国际会所情定罗曼缔克瓷砖拉菲等系列
“工程案例” 4000平方国际会所情定罗曼缔克瓷砖拉菲等系列
“工程案例” 4000平方国际会所情定罗曼缔克瓷砖拉菲等系列
“工程案例” 4000平方国际会所情定罗曼缔克瓷砖拉菲等系列
“工程案例” 4000平方国际会所情定罗曼缔克瓷砖拉菲等系列
“工程案例” 4000平方国际会所情定罗曼缔克瓷砖拉菲等系列
“工程案例” 4000平方国际会所情定罗曼缔克瓷砖拉菲等系列
“工程案例” 4000平方国际会所情定罗曼缔克瓷砖拉菲等系列
“工程案例” 4000平方国际会所情定罗曼缔克瓷砖拉菲等系列
“工程案例” 4000平方国际会所情定罗曼缔克瓷砖拉菲等系列
“工程案例” 4000平方国际会所情定罗曼缔克瓷砖拉菲等系列
“工程案例” 4000平方国际会所情定罗曼缔克瓷砖拉菲等系列
“工程案例” 4000平方国际会所情定罗曼缔克瓷砖拉菲等系列
“工程案例” 4000平方国际会所情定罗曼缔克瓷砖拉菲等系列
“工程案例” 4000平方国际会所情定罗曼缔克瓷砖拉菲等系列
“工程案例” 4000平方国际会所情定罗曼缔克瓷砖拉菲等系列

RD8006A / 比利时黑

“工程案例” 4000平方国际会所情定罗曼缔克瓷砖拉菲等系列
“工程案例” 4000平方国际会所情定罗曼缔克瓷砖拉菲等系列


Belgian black series, cold black glaze, as lightning across the night into white bright lines, high cold elegant and dynamic. 9 picture of one stone, apply to the space, sink but not dark, tie-in this recreational club of a variety of styles, outstanding for the space compose sets more possibility.

RFG126P612 / 威尼斯岩

“工程案例” 4000平方国际会所情定罗曼缔克瓷砖拉菲等系列
“工程案例” 4000平方国际会所情定罗曼缔克瓷砖拉菲等系列


Venice rock series, this water city Venice for the idea creative series, a variety of styles match the brick, not only presents the Venice tender feeling of the water, but also does not lack the Venetian architecture and sculpture of the toughness, used in the water-themed spa will this case, also may be said to be appropriate, complement each other.

M126P932A / 拉菲

“工程案例” 4000平方国际会所情定罗曼缔克瓷砖拉菲等系列
“工程案例” 4000平方国际会所情定罗曼缔克瓷砖拉菲等系列


The Lafite series, which combines the elegance and elegance of the famous chateau Lafite chateau in Bordeaux, is a unique design.

RDY9908B / 特拉斯灰

“工程案例” 4000平方国际会所情定罗曼缔克瓷砖拉菲等系列
“工程案例” 4000平方国际会所情定罗曼缔克瓷砖拉菲等系列


Teras grey series, have simple sense of gray to send out the breath of quiet and leisure in the space, 7 picture of a stone flexibly reappear that grace and contracted, in the blatant city life after, let a person feel in spa this moment relaxed, relaxed, loose..
