2025年高净值人群对生活品质追求 静奢风潮悄然兴起 它不仅是对物质富足的超越 更是心灵深处对返璞归真 与内观自省需求的直接映射 而这一切正与奢侈品界时尚趋势不谋而合 预示着家居设计的新篇章 同时在色彩的世界里 每一次流行色发布 都如同一次对未来的预言 引领着时尚与设计潮流 2025年度流行色“摩卡慕斯”(PANTONE 17-1230) 揭示未来家居设计趋势——静奢风 在这场色彩与家居美学革命中 SANFI兴辉瓷砖 19°肤感微光理石系列 与新发布的2025 PANTONE 年度色同属色系 以更宁静优雅的方式 重新定义奢美大宅新标准 19°肤感微光理石系列图 Inspiration 静奢风 兴辉瓷砖以19°温润奢感为灵魂基调,精心甄选一系列符合“视觉温度”的经典大理石色调,为现代豪宅名邸带来了一场前所未有的静奢革命。这不仅仅是一场视觉的盛宴,更是触感与心灵的双重礼赞,它重新定义了奢美大宅的新标准,让宁静克制成为奢侈的全新表达。 01 Victoria Brown 900X1800mm 维多利亚棕 — 汲取古典精髓,演绎现代奢美 如维多利亚女王宫殿中的瑰宝 棕色调蕴含历史厚重与文艺清新 铺展开来宛如穿越时空的走廊 引领至那典雅高贵的异国建筑之中 维多利亚棕 ST918T229SA 维多利亚棕采用微棕色设计,搭配微暖灯光气氛,可散发浓郁的复古韵味,棕色作为奢侈品常用色,也常应用于珠宝箱与皮甲上,让使用者彰显出经典的审美格调。 Victoria Brown adopts a slightly brown design with a slightly warm lighting atmosphere, which can give off a strong retro flavor. Brown, as a common color for luxury goods, is also often used on Pearl boxes and leather armor, allowing users to highlight the classic aesthetic style. 02 Giverny Warm Grey 900X1800mm & 750X1500mm 吉维尼米灰 — 仿若徜徉于法国巴黎之畔 宛如时光轻抚下的温柔笔触 吉维尼米灰 ST715T225SA 吉维尼米灰是松弛感的代名词,这是现今即将进入家居趋势的主色系,吉维尼米灰的色调柔和,比白色内敛,较灰色活泼,容易与轻奢感家具搭配,使空间散发慵懒惬意气息,尽显低调舒适。 Giverny Warm Grey is synonymous with the sense of relaxation, which is the main color system that is about to enter the household trend nowadays. The tone of givinimi grey is softer, more restrained than white, and more lively than gray. It is easy to match with light luxury furniture, so that the space emits a lazy and comfortable atmosphere, showing a low-key and comfortable. 03 Luxury Bulgari 900X1800mm 顶级宝格丽 — 纽约宝格丽酒店设计师匠心独运 选用意大利卡拉拉大理石 赋予无与伦比的现代摩登气质 得到众多人的喜爱 这款大理石也因此得名“宝格丽” 顶级宝格丽 ST918T221SA 顶级宝格丽为白色设计,有提亮家居空间、产生让视觉有明亮开阔、简洁干净的感受。奢华的纹理野性十足,意式情调尽显。 The Luxury Bulgari is designed in white, which brightens the home space and creates a bright, open, simple and clean feeling for the vision. The luxurious texture is full of wildness and Italian style. 04 Brazil Super White 750X1500mm 巴西鱼肚灰 — 仿佛置身亚马逊雨林边缘清晨 万物在朦胧中苏醒 柔和而深邃 巴西鱼肚灰 ST715T222SA 巴西鱼肚灰属于极浅灰色,接近白色的它拥有白色所不具备的丰富层次,自然流动的花纹逐层叠加,呈现出高雅的细节,似白非白,如羽绒般柔和,适配明亮感的墅式生活。 Brazil Super White is very light gray. It is close to white. It has a rich level that white does not have. The natural flowing patterns are superimposed layer by layer, presenting elegant details. It looks white but not white, as soft as feather, and suitable for the bright villa life. 05 Rome Grey 750X1500mm 古罗马灰 — 这一抹沉淀千年风华色彩 悄然铺展于历史的画卷之上 它是穿越时空的低语 诉说着英雄的荣耀、哲人的沉思 讲述着帝国的辉煌与沧桑 古罗马灰 ST715T223SA 古罗马灰为标准灰色设计,散发出沉稳内敛气息,灰色适合搭配其他色系产品以营造宁静奢美的氛围,其纹理显示层次明显,复刻出精致原石质感。 The Rome Grey is a standard gray design, emitting a calm and restrained atmosphere. Gray is suitable for matching with other color products to create a quiet and luxurious atmosphere. Its texture shows obvious levels, and the exquisite original stone texture is reproduced. 06 Rome Dark Grey 750X1500mm 古罗马深灰 — 古罗马深灰如同一抹永恒印记 洒在古罗马断壁残垣上 在夕阳余晖中更显神秘与庄重 每一块被岁月雕琢石头 在无声中诉说着帝国的辉煌与陨落 古罗马深灰 ST715T233SA 古罗马深灰能释放出天然的厚重感,通过巧妙地搭配其他色系,能让家居空间显得更霸气而精致,深灰色作为奢侈品常用色,是小众、距离感、和身份的象征。 Rome Dark Grey can release the natural sense of heaviness. By skillfully matching with other colors, it can make the home space more aggressive and exquisite. As a common color for luxury, dark gray is a symbol of niche, distance and identity. 07 Italy Bardiglio Brown 750X1500mm 意大利云石棕 — 这抹色彩如意大利古老城镇中 被岁月轻抚的云石路面 感受到来自远方的诗意与温度 融合阳光下的温暖与历史的深邃 散发着不经意的奢华感 意大利云石棕 ST715T227SA 意大利云石棕属于质朴色系,洋溢着欧洲美学史中恬静的气息。似暖阳倾洒,赋予空间静奢华质感;可用作空间主色系,又能搭配出多样风格,打造新一代的大理石空间。 Italy Bardiglio Brown belongs to the simple color system, and is permeated with the tranquil atmosphere in the history of European aesthetics. Like the warm sun, giving the space a quiet and luxurious texture; It can be used as the main color of the space, and can match with various styles to create a new generation of marble space. 关 注 更 多 @ 兴 辉 瓷 砖