Breakthrough & Drive 精准定位 专业赛道
“芒果瓷砖, 遵循品质、舒适、生活的理念, 专注于人居美学空间的设计和打造。” —— KEYSPACE
“克拉瓷, 年轻时尚,自由创新, 专注于为商业空间提供专业解决方案。” Young and fashionable, free innovation, Focused on providing professional solutions for commercial spaces。 —— CLASS
KEYSPACE ceramic tiles - fashionable living, Kelaci - artistic commercial space, driven by a dual innovation track, continue to create beautiful living and commercial spaces for different users with leading trend oriented original products, output quality, comfortable, and natural space services, and create a flywheel mode of drainage and conversion through precise multi-dimensional channels and online and offline dual operations.
专业品牌、特色产品,流量赋能 就选芒果瓷砖&克拉瓷 时间:2024年10月18-21日 地点:中国陶瓷产业总部基地中区C座07栋